Childhood Country
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Worms -

Today I was digging up part of the front garden, the area I was digging up was a mess of the tangled roots of one plant that had grown and grown and in the soil were tons and tons of worms. I tossed the first one to a patch of soil nearby, and then realised that I should probably be more gentle with the worms, and I started to put them down gently. But then I wrangled free one small clump of roots and plant and soil and in there was a worm, tail still half buried in the dirt. So I laid the clump down gently and watched as this worm wriggled slowly across the dirt, found a spot to bury its head in, and very very slowly began to burrow into the ground again. I hadn't really watched worms since I was a kid, I've always liked them and been careful not to step on them, but it was something so beautiful to witness on a lovely sunny day. The way worms move is so beautiful, bunching up so thick and spreading out so thing, with all their ridges and different spots of colouring. It sounds a bit silly to have been so enamoured by a worm, but I was! It's a reminder I guess that taking things slowly and looking around at the world is always worth a try. (Ignore the irony of me now back on my laptop to type this) I'm very grateful for you worm, thank you for such a lovely moment.